
In what style should we decorate a child’s room?

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Decorating a child’s room is certainly a very important moment in the life of parents-to-be. But how to start with it? We suggest how to arrange a baby room, what should be in it and what colors should be chosen.

Colors in a child’s room

In decorating the interior, and especially in decorating a room for a child, the right color scheme is very important. What colors work best? Shades such as white, beige or delicate gray will be a perfect base that will make the baby’s room a cozy and bright place. Colorful toys, furniture and accessories will look great against such a background.


Juicy colors of nature such as oranges, greens, blues or yellows combined with classic white will also be a good choice. This will make the room cheerful and pleasant to the eye. Natural wood tones are also a perfect complement. Remember that we are moving away from the pink for girls and blue for boys scheme and opting for more neutrality.


Little room furniture

What kind of furniture should you choose? First of all, it is safe and functional. The most important will certainly be the crib. It is important that it stands in the right place, so it is from it that you should start the arrangement.


First of all, it should be in a bright place, because natural daylight will set the right rhythm of the day, so there is a greater chance that you can get your child used to sleeping at the right time. It is also important that the crib does not sit too close to a radiator or somewhere where there is a draught.


In addition to the crib, make sure there is plenty of storage space for diapers, clothes and toys. Various types of chests of drawers will work best in this role. So if you live in the capital and you want to buy furniture, Warsaw is a city where you will find many beautiful models for your baby’s room. Don’t forget about the changing table and a comfortable feeding chair.


Bedding for the toddler

While on the subject of cribs, we can’t forget about the right bedding for the baby. For the youngest babies the best choice will be practical and lovely baby cones and swaddling blankets. Remember to choose a product made of the highest quality materials – flat cotton or so-called Minky fabric. Thanks to them you can safely and comfortably wrap the baby, and unfolded cones can be used as a nice blanket or soft play mat.


Accessories and decorations

Decorations and other accessories are also a must in a baby’s room. First of all, find good lighting so that the room does not look gloomy. A lamp in the shape of clouds, the moon or the sun, for example, will look lovely. You might also like to have some pretty curtains with interesting patterns, like those available at


Moreover, you can decorate the crib, for example with hanging carousels, pompoms or lights. Such decorations will not only make the room look beautiful but they will also be a great attraction for the baby.

Main image: Collov Home Design

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